Yes, you read that right, we do Guarantee a 1st Time Pass as part of our Amazing Triple Guarantee.
1. Money Back Guarantee
If you are not entirely happy with your first lesson we will refund you.
No quibble.
No questions asked.
Just a friendly hand shake and wishing you well on your journey to pass your test with another school.
The thing is we are good, we know it, so we are guaranteeing you a top level service.
2. Pass Promise
Yes that’s right we make a promise to say you will pass your driving test first time, and if you don’t happen to pass first time we’ll cover the cost of your second test.
This is how the Pass Promise works.
a) You will have at least one session of training a week lasting for 1.5 to 2 hours. If you miss a week you have to make the week up by doubling up.
b) Novice pupils will have a minimum of 40 hours training, that’s actually 7 hours less than the national average so please don’t think we are trying to make you take more hours.
c) You will have completed your Pupil Progress Chart.
d) You will have passed a mock test.
e) All tests are booked in the knowledge and agreement of your instructor.
f) If in the event you fail your test you will be required to take one remedial lesson per week until the 2nd test
g) The driving instructor will pay for the 2nd test .
h) All tests and lessons are conducted with a 360 Driving Instructor
i) To qualify for the Triple Guarantee you must have had a minimum of 10 hours tuition with a 360 Driving Instructor.
3. 2 Year Driving Licence Warranty
Once you have passed your driving test you are technically on a probation. In the following two years if you rack up 6 points on your licence; you have to re take your driving test and we don’t want that to happen.
Therefore, for any reason, if you feel you would like a free refresher lesson after you have passed your test we can help you. You might want the lesson because you are driving a new car for the first time or maybe you have had a speeding fine.
a) You are entitled to one 2 hour refresher lesson within 2 years of you passing your test.
b) You cannot exchange, swap or sell the lessons
c) Lessons you didn’t take can’t be carried over into the following year
d) Refresher lessons are not for advanced lessons such as Pass Plus or motorway lessons
The Driving Licence Warranty is perfect for all learner drivers.